June 2022 – The Vermont River Conservancy, a scout troup led by Eagle Scout Cameron Russin, and the Northern Forest Canoe Trail’s Stewardship crew have complete a series of projects along the Crossing Falls portage trail along the Lamoille River. This trail, developed through the partnership with a private landowner, facilitates safe passage around a dangerous set of rapids, is also popular with anglers.Please help us maintain access to this private property by practicing leave no trace – and picking up any garbage you may find.
Work included the installation of an 3’x18’ boardwalk, constructed out of cedar and assembled by a local scout troup as part of Cameron Russin’s eagle scout project. The boardwalk helps protect a vernal pool in the old road bed the portage trail follows.. The cedar was sourced from Goodrich Lumber in Albany, Vermont, which gave a generous discount. Thank you Cameron for your great work leading this project, and Goodrich Lumber for being such a great community partner!

Later in the summer, a crew from the Northern Forest Canoe Trail installation of 20’ stone and timber “causeway that ease passage past a sloping, rooted area near the portage trail’s eastern terminus, and a series of ten stone steps in two locations along the trail. These improvements reduce erosion and provides better footing for those carrying canoes.

This work was made possible through a Vermont Watershed Grant. Proceeds from custom license plate sails fund this worthy program, which supports projects that protect water quality and enhance public access throughout the state. Consider selecting this plate design the next time you renew your plates!